Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Summer Task Eliminating Machine

Summer vacation is always cool as a teacher. You get paychecks and you sit at home contemplating all sorts of things- moving, haircuts, and all the plans for what should get done and never seem to. I swore this summer I'd train my dog to come when I called him, empty the litter box twice a week and cook culinary masterpieces each night and finish all my knitting projects and then some AND I'd especially resist noontime hour long baths which are really great in the summer!

Well so far I've had a lot of fun, enjoyed my time and kept relatively busy. However, after being off of work for a month this Friday I feel like I need to be more scheduled to get it all done.
My plan is to roughly follow my work schedule on the days Justin works. My primary focus is on knitting small simple items that I can gift for others, donate or sell. I take an hour for lunch to clean, play with the dog and do whatever else I need. This really helps with curbing all my eating throughout the day as well.

Today is day #1 and so far I am nearly finished with a beanie (sp) that is a Jenny Watson design form left over yarn from a sweater. It looks good and will be done tonight.

Tomorrow I plan to knit as many pairs of baby socks that I can. I have tons of sock yarn left over.
Friday I'll knit a great baby sweater that I've made three times so far this year for gifts. It's the pebble yoke cardigan from Green Mountain Spinnery and the image is on my post 'What I've Knit So Far' (I think).
I'll post pictures of the beanie from today- tomorrow and continue that pattern with what I'm working on. I'd like to see how much I can get done with all the left over yarn sitting in the garage.
My quasi-work days are Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. Vive Carpal Tunnel!!

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