Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How Much is Too Much...

We have had the hottest weather EVER! Yesterday was adorable and I'll post the video later today or tomorrow of Justin, Ulysses and I utilizing the kiddie pool to the fullest! We made limeade, set up the pool and Justin even designated a foot bath to knock the grass off our feet before entering the pool. The dog loved it and we were all a little cooler in the process. Today is the climax with an expected high of anywhere between 99 and 106. I am going to keep knitting, watch Russian Ark and probably swim in our awesome pool. I am knitting lace for the second time- the first time I gave up after an hour of frustration. My new strategy to complete this beautiful scarf is to write out the chart directions. This way I can still daydream, watch movies or listen to a book on tape while I work away.

So today is my brother-in-laws birthday. This is a good thing and he is a nice guy. The bad part is that my husband never mails his family gifts. He's always late and we always have everything ready to go. I refuse to manage this part of his life because it would be a lot of nagging and I figure his people have known him a long enough time to know it's not a reflection on me!! However, I am off this summer and I think I need to take direct action.


Fran said...

Amen - we know him ! Don't worry about it!

Idle Hands said...

He said I sold him down the river with that one!