Thursday, July 9, 2009

My Letter to the President

Here's the news article that started all of this:

Dear President Obama,
I know your assistants and interns are very busy so i won't be too long winded. You are the first democrat I've ever voted for. I've been voting Green Party since I was 18. I am sorry about the Kevin Baker article in Harper's, yet I have to admit a snicker. This is what I thought would happen. If you play the safe corporate way with US politics, it won't surprise me and I'll swallow it. We've been kneeling to corporate influence since long before my time. However, with this new G-8 food bill I am really asking that you do not make this a $15 billion paycheck for Monsanto and their monstrous products. Do you realize that indigenous plants are already healthy and drought resistant? These people need to save seed, non-GMO seeds and seeds that aren't reliant on expensive petrol fertilizers. I know Monsanto owns our Head of Agriculture and has purchased many in DC, but please for the sake of starving humans can we for once not give in to corporate pressure but truly feed these people? I know I'd be all supportive for restoring indigenous food, culture and plants to all nations. This will also open doors for self-reliance and dignity. If we refuse GMO seeds we are also opening doors for these people to sell produce, meat and goods to a European market as well as ours.
There are many fine books on this subject, feel free to contact me if you need titles. Dennis Kucinich probably knows a few good ones as well (he'd be the only one)!!
Thank you- you have a very difficult job,

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Idle Hands said...
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